Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Picture of Fun Dog Facts for Kids

Fun Dog Facts for Kids

Fun Dog Facts for Kids: This article provides the most frequently asked questions about dogs complete with short, fact based, interesting answers. Have you ever wondered why dogs eat grass, why they howl, whether they can see color, do they have night vision and whether they can watch TV? Our fun dog facts for kids has all the answers.

Do you know what is the biggest or smallest breed or the names of the breeds of famous, fictional  dogs such as Lassie, Lady and the Tramp and Scooby Doo? If these questions have got you thinking then check out our fun dog facts for kids. 

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Why do dogs eat grass? It is quite common for a dog to grass and there are many theories why they do so. The reasons given as to why dogs eat grass include the following: Dogs eat grass because it is natural; Dogs eat grass when they don't feel well and grass makes them vomit; Dogs eat grass to aid digestion or to meet an unfulfilled nutritional need. Eating grass is quite common in dogs and is not considered harmful to your pet, however, there is a risk to dogs eating grass that has been treated with toxic pesticides and herbicides.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Biggest dog in the world? The Biggest dog in the world is the Great Dane, which is the size of a donkey. According to the Guinness World Records the world's tallest dog measured 111.8 cm (44 in) from foot to withers (the ridge between the shoulder blades).

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Smallest dog in the world? The Smallest dog in the world is the Chihuahua. According to the Guinness World Records the world's smallest dog measured 9.65 cm (3.8 in) tall.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Dog in Spanish? The word for 'Dog' in Spanish is 'Perro'. The word for 'Dog' in French is 'Chien' and the word for 'Dog' in German is 'Hund'.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - How long is a dog pregnant? The Average Length a dog is pregnant is between 58 and 67 days, with the average pregnancy length being closer to 63 days, or about 2 months.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Why do dogs eat poop? It's a common problem, your canine pet is not repulsed this behaviour as humans. Dogs eat poop for a number of reasons: Attention seeking; Boredom; Stress and cleaning up after puppies.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - What type of dog is Scooby Doo? The cartoon character Scooby Doo is based on a Great Dane. His famous catchphrase is "Scooby-Dooby-Doo!"

Fun Dog Facts - Do dogs have night vision? Dogs have good night vision, better than humans. The ability of a dog to see in the dark is due the structure of their eyes. Dogs have large pupils, which let in more light and their retinas have a large number of light-and-motion-sensitive cells, called rods which can distinguish light from shadow. Dogs also have a mirror-like membrane called a tapetum at the rear of the eye that allows light to rebound to the retina, taking in more light, which gives your dog night vision

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Why do dogs howl? The ancestor of the domesticated dog is the Gray Wolf and share their  howling as an ingrained method of communication. It is believed that dogs howl to warn intruders they are encroaching on their territory; hunting dogs howl to alert the hunter that they have trapped the quarry and dogs that howl at night can be indicating separation anxiety or loneliness. one breed has the distinctive vocal ability to vary the pitch of its howl gives rise to the name the New Guinea "Singing Dog".

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Why do dogs howl at sirens? Dogs howl at sirens because the sustained, loud noise of sirens mimic the low-to-high sound of a classic howl.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - How long do dogs live? Dogs live on average between 10 - 13 years dependent on the breed and size of the dog. The Chihauhua is the breed with the longest lifespan and can live for 20 years.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Can dogs get lice? Yes, dogs can get lice, but is a different kind of lice than humans get and it is not transferable to humans or cats. Dog lice is not common and is easier to treat than human lice.

Fun Dog Facts - How long does a dog stay in heat? The average canine stay in heat for approximately twenty-one days. This cycle usually occurs every six to seven months but smaller breeds may go into heat more frequently, as often as 3-4 times a year.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - How many teeth do dogs have? An adult dog has 42 teeth as opposed to an adult human who has and average of 32 teeth. The dog's upper jaw of the contains 8 premolars, 6 incisors, 2 canines and 6 molars. The dog's lower jaw has 8 premolars, 6 incisors, 2 canines and 6 molars.

Fun Dog Facts - How long do dogs stay pregnant? Dogs will stay pregnant for between 58 to 68 days, with the average time being closer to 63 days, or about 2 months.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Can dogs see color? Are dogs colorblind? The coat type is described as medium length, dense coat.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - What color do dogs see? The color that dogs see best are blue and yellow but they have difficulty in distinguishing red from green.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Can dogs see TV? Yes, dogs can see TV! They have better eyesight than humans and can recognize TV images and sounds of animals as they would in real life, so don't be surprised if they start barking at the TV. The position of your TV affects whether your pooch watch the television. TV's have to be placed on the ground for the dog to investigate and watch.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Why do dogs sleep so much? Dogs tend to sleep for longer periods than humans, although not as soundly as we do, and take a lot of short naps. Dogs who spend a lot of time indoors sleep more than active dogs out of boredom. Dogs adapt to the sleep patterns of their owners and will sleep all night until the family gets up.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Why does my dog lick me? Dogs lick their owners as a sign of affection because they recognize and find comfort in your familiar scent and enjoy licking your salty skin. They also learn that humans reward this type of behaviour by giving their pet lots of attention, food or tasty treats.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Why does my dog stare at me? Your pet will often stare at you to attract your attention and make you aware of what they might want - this could be food, a treat, a walk or to go. Staring back at a dog can be interpreted by your pet as a sign of aggression. 

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - What kind of dog is Lassie? Lassie is a fictional rough Collie, also known as a long-haired Collie, that has featured in novels, television and in countless movies. The first movie appearance featuring  Lassie as in the 1943 MGM film called "Lassie Come Home" starring Roddy McDowall and canine actor, Pal.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - How often should you bathe a dog? The You should bathe your dog about one every month to ensure that your pet's coat retains its natural oils and hair remains soft and silky. 

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Lady and the Tramp dog? The adorable, animated character 'Lady' is a purebred American Cocker Spaniel who is befriended by 'Tramp', a kind, down to earth, mutt.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Are cats smarter than dogs? Although some owners might disagree cats are not smarter than dogs. A dog has a bigger brain than a cat and therefore smarter than a cat.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Can you use human shampoo on dogs? Yes, you can use human shampoo on dogs but canine shampoos are designed to use on a monthly basis rather than a daily or weekly basis as with human shampoo. Canine shampoo is often specifically formulated to clean certain coat types.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - How many breeds of dogs are there? There are currently 340 breeds of dogs recognized by the World Canine Organization. The AKC (American Kennel Club) currently recognizes only 167 breeds.

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - What's a dog's normal temperature? The normal body temperature for a dog ranges between 100?F to 102.5?F (about 38?C to 39.2?C).

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - What Can Dogs Eat? What not to feed dogs? The answers to these questions can be found if your refer to the article called What Can Dogs Eat?

Fun Dog Facts for Kids - Facts and Info about about Dogs - Breeds - Facts about Dogs - Canine - K9 - Interesting Facts - Cool Facts - Fun Facts - Questions about Dogs - Answers about Dogs - Fun Facts - Short Facts - Interesting Facts - Kids - Dogs Facts - Interesting  Facts and Information - Facts about Dogs - Canine - K9 - Interesting Facts - Cool Facts - Fun Facts - Questions about Dogs - Answers about Dogs - Fun Facts - Short Facts - Interesting Facts - Children - Dogs Facts - Interesting  Facts and Information - Dog Facts for Kids